Parents Who Have Been There is putting on a FUN FILLED Easter Fair - Saturday 5th April 2025
This event is for Neonatal Families and their extended families and healthcare workers.
Saturday 5th April 2025
9.30am - 1.30pm
Old Cottage Playgroup, 81 Byards Road Happy Valley
More details to come closer to the event.


Ways we can help

Support Services


We support local Neonatal units and the community via various support intiatives.  Monthly morning tea visits and monthly Dinner's On Us in the local Neonatal units, Mother's Day and Father's Day special morning tea and gift bags, Christmas gift bags, Country Mum Essential packs, along with Neonatal Parent Playgroups in the community.

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Neonatal Parents Playgroup

We run Neonatal Parent Playgroups in the community to further support families after leaving the hospital doors.

Our playgroups are a great way to connect with other parents who have walked a similar journey.


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Helping Us


Parents Who Have Been There is a not-for-profit registered charity.  We are an incorporated association who is externally auditted.

We are run by volunteers so 100% of all donations go right back into the work that we do.

You can donate to the work we do supporting Neonatal families in Adelaide via our Donations page.

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